Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope for tomorrow

Geez... How many emails and calls can be sent about how bad or how great the election was.  Regardless on where anyone stands on the issues we have a new president-elect.  The one word that seemed to resonate across the nation (for 2 loooooong years!) was change.  I am reminded of another nation who longed for change as well.  Israel wanted a king like all the other nations, they wanted change on their terms and what is amazing is God allowed them to have it their way....  They chose a king that reflected the way they believed and the way they felt for the change that THEY wanted.  And they Got it in King Saul.  Apparently not God’s first choice, but God still anointed him king.  I have 2 points to share today.....
  1. Christianity is not about our take on things or how we feel about matters (that is relativism, a cancer that has spread through the church in America) but it IS about the unchanging, uncompromising Word of God.  Sin is sin no matter what I think about it or how I feel about it.  God’s Word never changes
  2. Even if President-Elect Obama wasn’t your choice realize that God will give him a choice, like every leader,  to honor the God of Israel and bring blessings on our land or..... Well, I think you know what or entails.
Our jobs as followers of Christ is to realize that God truly is control and to intercede and pray for those in authority over us.  Positive change that will bring blessing to America will come when we honor God and wave His banner not ours. I’ll leave you with this thought..... Be a person of vision,  a person of hope, a person who acknowledges that God is God and will always be God.
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings, and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NKJV

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