Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Have you ever faced something that seemed... impossible?  I can't tell you how many times I have just wanted to quit... to give up and do something easier with my life.... there were times that I thought it would be easier just to go back to my old way of living instead of just digging the useless holes that i seem to be always digging.  But the secret to success is tenacity...  if we stop digging when we're discouraged we never find the water at the bottom of the well.
When I became pastor of LTG I was incredibly excited!  Full of ideas and ways to make the church grow and to impact the world through our community of believers.  Although the majority of people at the time liked the idea there were those who liked everything just the way it was.    I realized that there would be  a cost to digging new wells.  But the hurts that came with the process and the discouragement that inevitably shows up are really not big prices to pay when you finally hit water and there is enough for everybody.  Remember..... when you're discouraged, your purpose in God seems impossible to find..... when your hurt, it seems easier to just quit..... when your tired and burned out, it seems like giving up is just practical... STOP!  Never quit digging!  Never stop seeing the goal in your mind.....  Failure is not running in to setbacks,  failure is allowing a setback to stop you from attempting something great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say, reading this is extremely inspiring to me..

It has been placed on my heart that I should tell you a little of my story...

First of all, I must admit that In the past I've had my struggles in wether or not I could even believe in the existence of God. I have been a man ruled entirely by logic and scientific certainty.

This has changed in a drastic way recently.

I have been attending LTG for a couple months now and I feel that God is really speaking to me through you. 

Every uncertainty I have been dealing with is addressed almost weekly in your messages. It never fails. In listening to you, and experiencing His love, I am learning that finding logic to explain the divine has only been a hindrance in my life. Thank you.