Monday, June 25, 2012


I am unabashedly all about dreaming... And dreaming BIG! As long as I can remember people have called me a dreamer (Usually in a negative fashion) but it was just part of who I was. Rather than focusing on the poverty around me or the dead end streets that so many of my peers were choosing daily I chose to daydream about all kinds of things. It was probably a form of escapism for me in the beginning but, now, as a leader I have found it to be the hallmark of every great leader I have had the privilege of knowing. I never want to find myself limiting what God can do in and through me because of my lack of imagination or my fear of failure. I know that life can be hard and circumstances can look bleak at times but I'm always reminded of this..."Your destiny is not determined by your circumstances but determined by God. Your job is to do the best with what you have and trust God to do the rest." So here are a few 'go to' thoughts:

  1. Dream Big
  2. Dream Intentionally
  3. Dream Often
  4. Dream beyond what you think is possible

So..... iDream! And so should you! No matter where you are in life. When was the last time you dreamed beyond your circumstances... Beyond what was in your control? Today... Join the iDream team and watch your life begin to change... I'm on your team! Tim Sanders is a great resource along this line of thinking that I think you'll appreciate. Check his blog out and I encourage you to read his book '"Today We Are Rich". Have fun!


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