Saturday, November 3, 2012

Do you even matter? you matter? Does your job matter? What about your passion? Does it really matter? I grew up a middle child in a preacher's family (let the PK remarks begin :) in the middle of the bible belt and I believe it's that very positioning that gives me a unique perspective on life, business, and faith. Being a middle child you feel, many times, that you have to try harder to be noticed, heard, or just seen. You sometimes feel like you are always compared to the older sibling who is smarter or the younger sibling who is cuter... Or God forbid you have a sister! ( sorry Alisa ;). Now I know it sounds like a bunch of whining but I have a point... 
Being in the middle has always made me try harder! To stand out a little more. To be a little different than those around you and that position is what gives me the resolve and the experience to be the best at what I do! I don't want to just live... I want to matter! I don't just want a business that makes money... I want a business that matters! I don't simply want to pastor a large church... I want to pastor a church that matters! I don't just want to see thousands of people in my church.... I want to see thousands of people that matter!!! As my dad would say, that'll preach!

If the God we serve is all powerful. If we really believe what the bible says... Shouldn't our lives make a difference?
So I'll wrap this thought up with a question...  Will what you do tomorrow matter? Will it make a difference? Don't just live the day.....SIEZE IT!
Grab every drop of sunlight that God has given you and make something of it. Your position gives you a unique perspective in life no matter where you are. Use your position to be a difference-maker!

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