Friday, August 30, 2013

Labels Limit Diversity

Holy Rollers, Closet Christians, Tongue Talkers, Dead Heads, Frozen Chosen...... Uummmm...let’s see....  Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical.... Let me go little further... Baptist, Assemblies of God, Church of God, Presbyterian, Catholic... More you Say?  Well.... Traditional, Modern, Emergent, immerging..... OK, I have to stop before my brain begins to sizzle.  
Labels are energy suckers and vision killers.  They are used to box us in to what people around us want us to be.  I don’t think they were meant to be detrimental to the cause of Christ but it has been.  It keeps us away from each other based on things that are really minor.  The Bible tells us to desire spiritual gifts because they, ultimately, do one thing.  They Increase the Kingdom of God.  However, we, followers of Christ, have used the very things that God has given us for Kingdom expansion and used them for Kingdom contraction.  We have to throw away the labels. We must discard the divisions and embrace the things that make us Christians.  Diversity is a strength.  Diversity on the Gifts of the Spirit is a strength.  But if we, as Christians continue to contract our influence then it is not only we who suffer.  It is the people who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus that lose in contraction.  So loosen up a bit and expand the Kingdom of God.  It’s time... Right now!