Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Are you Discouraged?

Let’s clear up one thing first... We all get discouraged. No matter who you are. No matter what you do. We all find ourselves in the dark shadows of discouragement at times and the truth is it happens more often that we like to admit. I have found, in my life, that we can overcome those “yuck” moments with a few RE-minders. I call them the RE:3’s. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll share a few of them with you.

RE’s to Move from DIS-Couraged to EN-Couraged

RE-Focus on the Big Picture
It’s really easy to get stuck in the moment. Sometimes you have to look past where you are and focus on where you are going. In Matthew 14 we see that Peter was able to walk on water until he looked away from Jesus and saw the waves beneath him. I’m always taken by that passage because it speaks to who we really depend on. By that I mean focusing on the waves Peter’s trust was transferred from the potential of the promise to the fear of the circumstance. I’m convinced that most people are stuck in the moment with their faith focused on the storm instead of on the shore.
The last thing I want you to see is what Jesus said to Peter after he took his hand when he was sinking... He asked him “Why did you doubt me?”. Because Peter’s focus was on the wrong thing, Jesus questioned his faith. But notice that he never let go of Pete and He won’t let go of you either.
So right now... What are you focused on? Who are you really depending on?

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