Thursday, February 6, 2014

SHIFT your Perspective!

I’d never HAD to wear glasses but I began to notice that some things were a little harder to read than a few years ago. I (really my wife) came to the conclusion that I needed to see the eye doctor. After my eye exam, he explained to me, although I was still in denial, that I was just getting older! WHAT!!! All though it was hard to accept, I realized that my new glasses really made a difference! I didn't realize how much I was missing! Here are some Perspective Shift thoughts...
  1. There are simply times in our lives that we need a new prescription in order to see accurately. In our spiritual lives the same is true. As we grow up spiritually our eye sight changes... But it is the opposite in the spiritual. As we mature in our faith-walk we need to occasionally get new glasses in order to see properly. 
  2. The storms of life tend to DISTORT our perspective and we fail to see things with clarity. The truth is that we do feel these pressures in life.  We do fall flat at times and we do find ourselves in bad deals, even unfair situations, on this journey. But if we will try to look at our circumstance from a different perspective things may look a lot different than before. 
  3. What if the very break-through or miracle is right under your nose and you just can’t see it? I can’t count how many times I’ve lost my keys or my cell phone and became so frustrated that I blamed everyone and everything for taking my phone! :) then I find them in some weird place like in the fridge.... (true story!) 
So to wrap this up, maybe you need to shift your outlook a bit. Try being grateful about what you do have instead of what your losing... or don’t have. I could post on that but it would be too long and Andy Andrews can tell the story much better than I can. Start with a grateful heart.... Be thankful for the small things

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