Thursday, May 29, 2014


We all desire to be OVERCOMERS! We all desire to WIN! I’ve never met anyone who, really, just wanted to live a mediocre life or settle with the idea that life is just a never-ending struggle against tides that we can’t hold back.

What if I told you that YOU could live the OVERCOMER kind of life? What if you could be the INFLUENCER instead of the one always being INFLUENCED by the chaos outside of you? I believe… No! I know… that you were MEANT for more than just existing! That you are meant to live an AMAZING life! A life that MATTERS!

When I take a step back I can understand the struggle, at least from my own personal experience. Like every other little kid in my small town outside of Nashville. I would run around from sun up to sun down pretending that I was everything from an astronaut to cowboy and I remember sitting on the hillside behind the church that my father pastored daydreaming about all the cool things that I would do when I grew up.  Not for a moment did I have any idea what it took to actually accomplish those dreams.  I think in my young, simple mind it never occurred to me that life was, well… complicated. 

That was a lot of years ago. I’ve learned many lessons since then but, looking back, I was on to something on that hillside.  Overcoming in life isn’t really complicated!  That’s an amazing statement! Overcoming in life is SIMPLE!  The reality is that our surroundings program us, to either strive for great things or settle for whatever life happens to throw our way.

After all these years, there is one thing that I am, absolutely, sure of.  I am certain that God created each of us to do something AMAZING… and it gets even better!  God has already set aside the resources that we each need to make “GREAT” happen in our lives!  Yes, you can have THAT kind of life! Yes, you can find peace!  Yes, you can be successful and still live a life of faith. And finally, YES! You can really have an awesome life! I want you DISCOVER how to flip that switch in YOUR life.  To move beyond the gap of where you are to where you want to be. 

So over the next few weeks I want to give you some principles and some "tweaks" that can help you FLIP that SWITCH and start LIVING again! I'm praying for you as you get ready to change your life! It's gonna be awesome!

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